Summertime Chi is in full swing in Chicago (if you know, you know!) The dogs are out, people are getting sunburnt, and most importantly, patio season is in full swing.
If you’re like me, you like a nice cold beer or a stiff icy cocktail on a warm summer day. If you’re REALLY like me, then you like the above, but also while eating pizza.

The char is strong with this one.
This is precisely why Pizza Lobo is just such an enticing proposition. Sit on a nice patio with your friends, knock a couple back, and eat some delicious pizza. Let’s go!!

Interesting ingredient choices. Giardiniera? Why not!?
You can’t really think of it as a “serious” pizza place for discerning connoisseurs. The pizza is good – fresh ingredients, wood-fired, nice char, if not a little greasy, but just nice solid pizza. But the pizza is secondary – you’re there for the atmosphere, and specifically the awesome patio. If the sun is shining, you have some friends that want to party, and pizza is viewed favorably by the group (if it’s not, find better friends) then it’s hard to beat Pizza Lobo.