The Sixth (Chicago)
It’s to be expected that The Fifty/50 Group, owners of one of my favorite cocktail bars in Chicago, The Berkshire Room, would hit a home run with their Lincoln Square offering, The Sixth.

“Spaceman Spiff” Cocktail
The “Spaceman Spiff” cocktail featuring an “aquarium” base filled with aromatic smoke that wafts into the air as you separate the cocktail glass from it’s smoke-filled base was a visual treat. I’ve seen similar smoky cocktail presentations before, but this was one of the finer executions, and they didn’t sacrifice taste for show.
Smoky treats aside, there was another big winner at The Sixth in the cocktail department. For me, the star of the show was the “Weston” cocktail, featuring Dark Matter coffee, bourbon, and pipe tobacco. It’s a drink that makes you feel manly like Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec. A good occasion for this drink would be to sip it as you craft a small wooden ship.
The Sixth is very unassuming. Dark, long bar, rare spirits against the back wall gleam dark hues of orange, and interesting bar toys like a perfume bottle filled with who-knows-what entertain the eye.

“Weston” Cocktail
Sure there’s hipsters on dates and business suit dudes tapping at their iPhones, but the place still maintains a laid-back non-pretentious vibe that’s rare in bars that feature craft cocktails.
While the decor doesn’t immediately “wow” like some over-the-top craft cocktail bars, that’s ok. This is the type of place where comfort and tasty, interesting cocktails trump flash and pizazz, and I like that.